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Liste des biens proposés par Marion AUTRUM

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Marion AUTRUM - Conseiller Leggett
Marion AUTRUM - Conseiller indépendant
SIRET: 751987504

À propos de ma région

My area covers some of the beautiful villages in the west of the Lot department (to the north of the Midi-Pyrénées), but also villages in the south of the Dordogne and the east of the Lot-et- Garonne. To live in the Lot is to be immediately overwhelmed by the sense of space…. space to live and to breathe. The region is packed with stunning scenery, dramatic gorges, sunflowers fields, slow moving rivers, medieval villages such as Puy l’Evêque, Bélaye and Albas and not to forget the vineyards of Cahors. The regional architecture is one of the most sought after in France. Maybe one reason why foreigners are drawn to these “maisons de pays” which seem to grow naturally out of the landscape with their subtle stone colour. The climate is another factor; we have hot summers, mostly mild winters… but spring and autumn I find truly incredible. And just a quick word about the famous gastronomy of the Query region…here it is all about the freshness and the seasonality of the produce!

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